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6 Myths about public speaking!

Writer: Yasmine El-BazYasmine El-Baz

There are a lot of misleading beliefs about public speaking and unfortunately most people fall for them, Below are some of these myths in order to avoid on your next speech:

1) The more experienced you are, the less rehearsals you'll make. When you become more experienced in public speaking and you're considered a professional speaker, you practice much more! Because simply, professional speakers tend to add new things and techniques in their performances, which means an extra need for practicing. In addition to this, the more professional you become the more responsibility you'll have and the bigger the conventions and events you'll be presenting or speaking at. A great speaker practices massively, and rehearses heavily!

2) Giving a speech is the same as giving a presentation. Well No! Speeches are not like presentations, speeches are somehow more formal, may include few interactions with the audience, it’s mainly a one way verbal communication and doesn't include many visuals. -Examples for speeches: “CEO word at a ceremony, motivational speech at a convention or Ted talks speeches". While presentations can be two way verbal communication which means audience interaction is needed, can include many visuals “according to the content need" and can include performances. -Examples for presentations: “New product launch or technical presentations at work or college final graduation projects".

3) The more jokes I tell, the more people will love my speech! Adding a joke inside your speech is a good idea, but adding too many jokes or having a very long humor part can be also dangerous! There's a fine line between being amused and getting bored of it, you have to move fast after your joke effect appears on the audience. Move fast before people get bored and feel the joke has become silly! Of course this doesn't apply on humorous speeches, as their main theme is humor, but you have to pay attention to the way you organize such kind of speeches.

4) You should never use notes. Personally, I usually recommend using notes, as it shackles hands' movement, but it's okay to use small notes "with the size of your hand palm" if it's a very long speech, and you can look at it 3 to 4 times as maximum. When you look at your notes, you should never look at them as if you forgot something, you can simply take a small glimpse when moving from one point to another while speaking, because if you looked at them at one of your pauses, people will concentrate with your notes, and a needles spotlight will fall over them! Of course, I would always suggest to lose using notes when you get more convenient with the stage.

5) The more you move, the more professional you'll look. The way you stand and the way you move are of the most important things in public speaking, but too much movement can distract your audience from what you're saying and if not done right, it can even show your nervousness! Accordingly, you have two options, you can either stand still with a straight back stand, if you are not used on moving, or to move smoothly between a part and another, then take a pause ,stop , then move again. Make your movements natural ones and related to your speech content.

6) I should wear something appealing. People are there to hear you, not to check out how great you looked in that dress or in that suit. I personally usually wear something comfy, modest "according to the event type of course", and without too many accessories, You'll want people attention to fall upon your powerful words and gestures not on your shiny bracelet or amazing heels!


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